If you Give a Mouse a Cookie – Homeowner Style . . . I have lived in my house for over 10 years now. Anyone with a house this age understands that updates are necessary to keep you house up to the standards of the new builds that are popping up all around you. So, occasionally I’ll update certain parts of my home to keep up with the Jones’s, I mean times, and not let my home look outdated or shabby. When updating our home, have you ever noticed that it’s like a domino effect? You update one area that creates another area needing updating and then another and another. It can be never ending! We all know, you’re never completely finished with upgrades and changes to your home. I don’t know one single person who’s ever said, ‘I just added new floors and then the house is completely finished! We won’t need anything else at all in our home ever!’ Nope. Just doesn’t happen. The home improvement effect reminds me of the book 'If You Give a Mouse a Cookie.' If you haven’t read