Everyone has advice for you when you have a baby.Breast feed, bottle feed, co-sleep, cry it out, stay-at-home, work part time - the list goes on and on. Some advice is good, some not so great for a new mom. But I'm here to tell you to ignore it all and just take this one piece of all important advice when you become a mom. It's very important so read closely. Start a moms group. Yes, you heard me - a moms group. A group of ladies with babies or kids around the same age as yours. A group that gets together on the regular like once a week or at the very least monthly. With the kids around or not, does not matter. But the moms have to be able to chat. Why is this so important? We all have many people to talk to. Our husbands/boyfriends/significant are often ready to listen to us talk about our pregnancy, but can the male species really understand what labor feels like? Do they really understand how you can love being a mother so much but suffer from overwhelming post-par t
Showing posts from April, 2019