It actually does take a village - so volunteer.

I recently checked my email for some updates on some projects that I'm working on. I needed some money info, some scheduling info & some responses from my counterparts. You might think these emails had to do with my job, however they did not. They were for a committee & sports team that I am volunteering for.

You see, I have 3 kids who are all in school and are a part of sports teams or clubs. These clubs don't organize & run themselves, you know. These extracurricular activities & extra school functions are typically afloat because of wonderful volunteers.

If you have kids too then you know that you've been asked to volunteer a million times. To be snack mom, room mom or even the ever-frightening committee chair. While I know that most of us don't love to do this, I'm here to tell you that volunteers are necessary to make our kiddos have these wonderful experiences. So, bite the bullet and volunteer.

Can't because you're busy? News flash, Debbie, we're all busy. We all have kids & responsibilities that eat away at our free time. Sometimes the last thing we want to do is give up more of our free time. The parents who volunteer feel that way as well. I know that watching another episode of Game of Thrones is imperative, but usually it can wait 30 minutes for you to make sure that there will be food at the class party next week.

And there is always a bonus when you volunteer. You make new friends, catch up on the gossip or get some extra perks somehow. Volunteer activities can even help you move up in your career. Not only are you helping the kids, but you're a better person all around.

So, parents, please make volunteering a priority. Keep it small if necessary. These extras that our kids enjoy rely on require some of us giving of our free time. It has to be somebody so you be that somebody.


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