You'll Get Used to It

I remember when I became a new mom and the lifestyle of caring for a newborn was so hard for me. My husband & I had a life where we cared for our selves and that was it. So, to suddenly have to take care of a newborn was such a different level. I remember chatting with a mom friend about how I couldn't possibly get used to taking care of this baby, not getting any sleep, having to breastfeed every two hours. Her response, "you'll get used to it."
It sounds so simple and yet it made so much sense. Throughout my years as a mom there is so many times that this mantra has held true. I've said it to many mothers over the years about many situations. You'll get used to it.
I never thought I would get used to the lack of sleep in my life. I needed a full eight hours before I had my children. Sometimes even 10 hours was needed. It took awhile but eventually I did get used to waking up every 3 hours and I could still function. sleeping in spurts became my new normal. In short, regarding the lack of sleep, I got used to it.
Then became the toddler years and add another baby to the mix and I thought my new life was a lot. It was a lot of work, and gates around the house and even picture frames and knick knacks put away so my busy son wouldn't break stuff. Then another baby was born and it took us about 2 hours to pack up and leave the house. I never thought I would get used to our house and our lives being in such a three ring circus. But guess what? I got used to it.
Then came the school years and sports years and all of our free times was taken up with school and sporting events. Homework, games and birthday parties were the norm and we were lucky to have any free time that was doing whatever we want. The constant busyness was a lot but our one baseball game or birthday party on Saturday was adapted to fairly quickly. We got used to it.
Then middle, high school & travel sports became the real deal. Every weekend was not just one game but entire weekends of sports with tournaments that were sometimes an hour away. I missed our days of just one little game on a weekend but eventually I learned not to make any types of plans on weekends with tournaments. On Mondays we would often feel like we didn't even get a weekend. At first it was hard, but then that became the norm and if we didn't have a tournament I didn't know what to do with myself. So, the travel sports life became our norm. And we got used to it.
I am now facing my oldest child's Senior Year in High School. He has one foot out the door and can't wait to leave. The thought of him leaving is hard. I am not sure how the rest of us will get through our house of only 2 kids instead of three. And while I know this will start a series of a whole new level of change and sadness ( and happiness!) I know that this is just yet another stage of my journey as a mom. As my kiddos start to leave the nest it will be hard, but we all know that I will definitely get used to it.


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