I Hate This

What I hate most about the Clovid 19 quarantine is how people feel and react about others. Nowadays, people are afraid of other people. If you start to get close to someone, they quickly back away from you with a paranoid look on their face. They walk on the other side of the road if you are walking towards them.

Gone are the days when we helped our fellow citizens. A month ago, if someone in my community passed out on the side of the road, then there would be tons of people that would rush to help. If someone screamed out for help currently, I shudder to think of how many of my fellow, typically-helpful Hoosiers would actually turn their cheek.

You can’t even see another’s beautiful smile because of these masks that people wear everywhere.  They look like they are in a horrible scary movie. We have been told not to get too close to anyone so if you are even appearing to be approaching someone they jump away as if you are Freddie Kruger with a knife in your gloved hand.

People used to be friendly. They would hold the door for you. Help you pick up the contents of your purse when they scattered on the ground. My friends would hug me. A stranger would pat you on the shoulder if you looked sad. It’s my first nature to be friendly. The few times I have left the house my instinct has me wanting to stand closer to my neighbors.

I know it’s there. I know the friendliness and caring are still there under the masks and fear. The day will come and won’t it be joyful? I picture people running into the street with arms out ready to hug a complete stranger. Myself and many others cannot wait!


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