Why is Clovid-19 a Political Virus?

As our nation begins to reopen after the devastating Clovid-19 pandemic, it seems that everyone has a different opinion on if we are ready and how that should look. 
Some people see us as not ready to let certain businesses be open and patrons moving about in them. There are people that have barley left the house in 9 weeks and if they did it was absolutely necessary and you bet they had a mask and sometimes even gloves on. Some people haven't been closer than the recommended 6 feet from anyone other than their immediate family at all. They are not sure when they will feel safe to get back to normal(ish) but its not going to be til after the vaccine is readily available. 
Then there are others who either by choice or necessity have ventured out of the house freely. Any store that was open they were there wanting to buy something. They let their kids play with friends and support local restaurants and business as much as possible by placing pick-up orders. They might have a mask but sometimes don't wear it in public. Some people even go so far to think this Rona Virus is nothing but a hoax.
My question is, at what point did these two groups of people above become a political stand? Those who want things to happen slowly are democrats and those who want to stop this nonsense and boost the economy by opening up states republicans.
You've seen it your whole life. A life situation that seems to have nothing to do with how you vote, such as this virus, is suddenly dragged into the political mud. Now if you see someone in a store without a mask they are assumed to be a Republican. Are you still strictly quarantining? Some will assume you vote on the left.
Here's my take:
It is possible to have your own thoughts. It is possible not to think and act exactly as your political party does. Heck, it's even possible not to identify with a political party. I'll make a bold statement here and say I consider myself an Independent. I've actually voted Republican & Democrat. I think you can like a candidate actually based upon that candidate. I know, it sounds shocking but it is possible. 
So, stay in or go out. I think it's your choice and respect you for making the best decision for your family. Don't blindly follow Trump or Pelosi into the 'my party is always right' rabbit hole. Do what YOU want to do in regards to your life. 


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